
WordPress Like Button Rating Plugin Features

  • More than 80 parameters, 28 themes, 37 languages.
  • Custom themes and images.
  • Works on websites fully cached with WP Super Cache, Quick Cache, CloudFlare, etc.
  • Google Rich Snippets providing five star rating in Google search results. (Learn more)
  • Sorting content by likes.
  • Real-time reports.
  • Voting statistics. (PRO/VIP/ULTRA)
  • Multisite compatible.
  • Shortcode [ likebtn ] to display the Like button inside a post or page:
  • Shortcodes [ likebtn_likes ] and [ likebtn_dislikes ] to display number of likes and dislikes.
  • Shortcode [ likebtn_most_liked ] and widget with customizable template to display the most liked content. (PRO/VIP/ULTRA)
  • Shortcode [ likebtn_off ] to disable the Like button in a post or page.
  • Anonymous voting tracked by IP+Device+Cookie and registered users voting tracked by users.
  • Like box displaying users who liked an item.
  • Compatible with myCRED points management system.
  • BuddyPress notifications for authors when authenticated users like or dislike author’s content.
  • Recording like & dislike actions in BuddyPress activity stream (votes in private groups are NOT displayed in the public activity stream).
  • Custom templates for snippets in BuddyPress activity stream.
  • Customizable position and alignment.
  • Full access to the Like button CSS.
  • Custom Like & Dislike buttons texts.
  • Allows to collect donations by adding donate buttons to popup.
  • Adds “Likes”, “Dislikes” and “Likes minus dislikes” custom fields to posts.
  • Allows to add Open Graph meta tags to posts and pages.

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