Now Like Button in addition to the bunch of predefined themes provides a fully customizable theme, over 100 scalable icons and allows to use custom images! Cool, yeah?
Now Like Button in addition to the bunch of predefined themes provides a fully customizable theme, over 100 scalable icons and allows to use custom images! Cool, yeah?
Recording like and dislike actions in BuddyPress activity stream (votes in private groups are NOT displayed in the public activity stream) Custom templates for snippets in BuddyPress activity stream BuddyPress notifications for authors when authenticated users like or dislike author’s content
Like Button Rating Widget now is providing real-time analytics reports. Reports give an overview of likes, dislikes and total votes per day and per month. Measure the success of your website or blog with instant reports! Better understand your visitors preferences in real time!
From now on LikeBtn provides Google Rich Snippets along with the Like buttons. WithGoogle Rich Snippets you can make your site look appealing to the visitors on search engine results pages, boost search engine rankings and increase clicks! Rich Snippets are a kind of microdata which are used to provide additional information along with the […]
This page demonstrates how the Like Button can be added using shortcodes. [ likebtn ] [ likebtn style=”large” ]